How to Earn Money Online from Home


What is the way to earn money online from home?

There are some most popular ways:

#1. YouTuber

make money from youtube


Many digital marketing professionals choose to become a full-time YouTuber in any selected area. Once he builds a decent subscriber base and views, he can make money online from home with zero investment through YouTube monetization.

#2. Blogger

 make money from blog

Many digital marketing professionals choose full time blogging as their career. Bloggers can generate income from advertising and affiliate marketing strategies.

#3. Social Media Optimizers

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Social media optimizers are those professionals who work on optimizing a website and its content to drive more users/ traffic towards a website encouraging/ motivating them to use and share links to the website across social media and networking sites. 

#4. Content Writer

earn money through bloging

If you know how to write then the content writer is the best-suited profile for you. You can also work as a freelancer or on a project basis.

#5. Photographer


Anyone with interest in photography can become a photographer and sell his pictures,  sell photojournalism prints to news publications or even take pictures at local events and sell them online.

#6. Dealer

solar dealer

Anyone with a small establishment or shop can become a dealer of any popular products and earn commission on sales. 

#7. Distributor

solar distributor

distributor is like a dealer but with a larger establishment and reach.

#8. Installer

Anyone with some basic training and mechanical knowledge can become a solar installer. He can collaborate with some brands and take up freelance jobs/ projects as and when he is available.

#9. Financial Agents

solar inference

It is seen that a few industries still lack sufficient funding channels. Take, for example, the solar industry. It is believed that if a clear funding channel is established the industry could grow at an exponential rate. The issue with this industry is that banks/ financial institutions are ready to loan to professionals having a steady stream of income but not to others/ small establishments.

#10. Tutors

solar online training

Anyone with a specialized interest in any subject matter e.g. solar energy can create a channel for educating the others. He can also collaborate with small companies to sell his expertise and educate/ train people in his subject matter

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Shyam Roopak
17 October 2020 at 21:37 ×

Super da .

Congrats bro Shyam Roopak you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...