The Most Expensive Thing in the UNIVERSE😲😳😳😳

 friends, if we think about the worlds expensive things so we get platinum diamond and gold picture in our mind so today I will show you the worlds expensive thing that was ANTI MATTER according to NASA’s estimation 1(one) gram of antimatter value is up to 62.5 TRILLION DOLLAR that was insane, just for comparison if we add all country’s GDP that will be 80% of that 1grm value of antimatter

if we consider buying 1grm of antimatter we have sold all country’s that will as not enough you ever think why ANTIMATTER is many expensive, so if you want to know about why is expensive and how its form and where is present then read the blog till end,

so let’s get start

so antimatter is totally opposite than normal matter so, our normal matter is also made from atoms and particles like that antimatter is also made from atoms and particles but the difference between them is arrangement is different in normal matter center is made from proton and neutron and electron orbit them and in case of antimatter is the center is of an antiproton and the charge is negative as well as antineutrons are also present in it and positron orbit them and that positron charge is positive.

when normal matter and antimatter collide each other and they destroy each other and from that, we get 100% pure energy without any loss of energy, just for comparison for example if we talk about the worlds advance and the efficient nuclear weapon that also convert 7–10% convert mass into energy and we loss the remaining energy

that antimatter will change the life of human civilization, In 1945 America deploy an atom bomb for japan’s two cities he Hiroshima and Nagasaki

the deployed bomb on Hiroshima intensity is equal to 21 kg ton TNT explosion and the deployed bomb on Nagasaki intensity is equal to 15 kg ton TNT explosion so you will think why I am talking about that well,

if you drop one gram of antimatter on the ground that explosion effect is grater than a combine of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and more dangerous, means 1 gram of antimatter is enough to destroy one big city, if we place a 1Billionth of gram part on the bullet and fire it not only kill one person as well as that is capable explode one military base, that hypothetical bullet named as antimatter bullet, we only tinking with the side of military equipment and for made destruction things for use.

do you know we can also use antimatter for different things, from the scientific study from antimatter we can destroy different types of cancer’s

if we think about space exploration and reach to universe long-distance object for that we want that antimatter like fuel, the scientist believes if we use antimatter as fuel it can accelerate to rocket 50persent of light speed.

then the question is coming front of us is, the antimatter is useful and has good application’s then why we not producing it, well the simple reason is the antimatter is very rare, so produce it on the earth is very hard and I tell that the cost of the antimatter, now you think why there is not present the equal number of antimatter, so yaa it will be possible antimatter present equal no of normal matter but we can’t find till now.

there will be chances that stars and galaxies of antimatters will be present, we can’t reach that because of the there will be chances that stars situated over a long distance, we have to take in mind one thing that is on our earth there is a formation of antimatter naturally whenever the high radiation cosmic rays strick to the earth’s atmosphere they form the antimatter small particle, but these particles collapse with the normal particle and get destroyed automatically in milliseconds, now there is an only one way to make to artificially, geneva located in Switzerland European organization for nuclear research (CERN) made a Large Hydrogen Collider.

inhuman history most expensive and complicated one of the research facility, In the large hydrogen collider in one-minute 1crore anti positron particle’s is produced

now to say that it’s more if we made antipositron made like these, to make a 1grm of antimatter they have to invest 10thousand crore of year’s, yes 10thousand crore of year’s

to make antimatter is 1st priority, after making that they have to store also that thing into the container but there is also a problem if we placed it into the box then it get destroyed in second’s, that why they have to make the thing is like that without gating into contact of others hanging into the air, after that we have to take a precaution it never gets on the ground if it’s got contact with the ground it has the capability to destroy one city,

there is one more risk that never gets to the wrong hands, the highest record of the CERN they store that hydrogen particles to 17MIN, think about that from making the particles they spending thousands and crores that vanished into some minutes, till now I tail that you can get understand there will be chances of we can produce antimatter in large scale and we can use it, but it will be good for us,

one’s time ago we see nuclear energy this energy has the power to change humanity nature but, all countries start a war to make a nuclear weapon’s the powerful country’s America and Rusia to show they are powerful they started large scale of production of a nuclear weapon, now the today’s situation is if the third world war start’s then the worlds half of the population get vanished and remaining population have to fight and adapt to the side effect’s of the world war,

it will happen with the antimatter some of the country use antimatter to make a weapon and to protect from that country they have to also need’s to make weapon then to make an antimatter’s weapon race, and you now know that antimatter is most powerful and destructive than nuclear and others, it not has only the capability to destroy a city or the country or not a continent it will destroy the Earth(planet).

if we have to make this in large amount and use it for space exploration as a fuel, then we have to treat on a global level don’t use it in the wrong way

so what you think about that let me know in the comment section don’t forget to follow

till now good-by.😋😋😍

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